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[root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun1.sh the first par is bthe second par is athe third par is 2the script name is fun1.shthe number of par is 5[root@weixing01 shell]# cat fun1.sh #!/bin/bashfunction inp(){ echo "the first par is $1" echo "the second par is $2" echo "the third par is $3" echo "the script name is $0" echo "the number of par is $#"}inp b a 2 3 adf
[root@weixing01 shell]# cat fun1.sh #!/bin/bashfunction inp(){ echo "the first par is $1" echo "the second par is $2" echo "the third par is $3" echo "the script name is $0" echo "the number of par is $#"}inp $1 $2 $3 [root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun1.sh 1 2the first par is 1the second par is 2the third par is the script name is fun1.shthe number of par is 2
[root@weixing01 shell]# cat fun2.sh #!/bin/bashsum(){ s=$[$1+$2] echo $s}sum 1 10[root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun2.sh 11[root@weixing01 shell]# sh -x fun2.sh + sum 1 10+ s=11+ echo 1111
[root@weixing01 shell]# cat fun3.sh #!/bin/baship(){ ifconfig |grep -A1 "$1: "|awk '/inet/ {print $2}'}read -p "please input the eth name: " ethip $eth [root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun3.sh please input the eth name: ens33192.168.188.130[root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun3.sh please input the eth name: ens33:0192.168.188.150[root@weixing01 shell]# sh fun3.sh please input the eth name: ens37192.168.252.128
[root@weixing01 shell]# b=(1 2 3)[root@weixing01 shell]# echo $b1[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[@]}1 2 3[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[1]}2[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[0]}1[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[2]}3
[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${#b[*]}3
[root@weixing01 shell]# b[3]=a[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3 a[root@weixing01 shell]# b[3]=66[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3 66
[root@weixing01 shell]# b[5]=6[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3 66 6
[root@weixing01 shell]# unset b[3][root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3 6 6[root@weixing01 shell]# unset b[4][root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}1 2 3 6[root@weixing01 shell]# unset b[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${b[*]}6.数组分片:
[root@weixing01 shell]# a=(`seq 1 10`)[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]:3:4}4 5 6 7[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]:-3:2}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]:0-3:2}8 9
[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]/8/6}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10[root@weixing01 shell]# a=(${a[*]/8/6})[root@weixing01 shell]# echo ${a[*]}1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10